...And sometimes, you need to hit the reset button

 This morning I had the most honest and open conversation this morning with someone I didn't expect to have it with; my uncle. He helped me dig so many things up, sort them out nicely and give me advice. Before you ask, no, we weren't burrying a body. Lol. From the things I told him, I realized what exactly I needed to do.

2020 has been quite the year, yes? For some, it was a great year and for most( that I've spoken to about it) it was a terrible year. With the pandemic sweeping the earth to failed relationships to difficult times in school to emotional pain to lost jobs to funerals and the list goes on, this year has really been crazy. For everyone that managed to keep their sanity during this insane ride, I applaud you. 

With everything that has happened, it's very easy to lose yourself. This happens to the best of us and there's a way to retrace who you are. Hit the reset button. What this means is that you need to get to a place where you are focusing on you. It's easy to get so caught up in so many things that you neglect yourself. Friendships, relationships, parties, chills, school, work or whatever form of setting/activity. Majority are of my readers are university students so this is mostly for you. Now that it's a holiday why don't you try and retrace your steps by getting in touch with yourself? Do the things you love to do when you're alone, go back to those things you said you'd do for yourself but didn't get the chance to, disconnect from your socials more and be productive as well. If you need to speak to anyone about negative feelings, do so. I find that when we are the most vulnerable is when we offload our burdens and know exactly what needs to be done to help us as people.

This post is a quick write up but I'm sure you catch my drift. For this once focus on you and rebuild yourself. It's easy to lose yourself in the noise and become someone you're not. It's time to pull yourself back or rebuild. 

Have a good night.


  1. I🖤 this! I have learnt that my best will vary from situation to situation because I have no control over the forces of nature and that's okay....all I have to do is breathe and keep doing my best to avoid regret, self abuse and self judgement!


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