
Far From Home

  "Am I on the right path?" "Is this really worth it" "What if-" These are questions we usually ask ourselves when we're about to step out of our comfort zones. One thing I've noticed is that it can be quite frustrating but you know what? It doesn't have to be. Getting out of your comfort zone or place of stagnation can be a very scary thing. You get to places you're not used to, do things that you love but get tiring overtime and face different challenges ahead. The constant urge to pull out is constantly on your mind but you need to keep going to achieve your goal.  Why am I sharing this with you? In this life you have to push for yourself one day and it won't be the most pleasant experience but it will build you and take you closer to your dreams and goals. This life thing gets hard but it's even harder when you choose to sit and do nothing about it.  Everytime you want to quit or feel overwhelmed, track back to the reason why yo

...And sometimes, you need to hit the reset button

 This morning I had the most honest and open conversation this morning with someone I didn't expect to have it with; my uncle. He helped me dig so many things up, sort them out nicely and give me advice. Before you ask, no, we weren't burrying a body. Lol. From the things I told him, I realized what exactly I needed to do. 2020 has been quite the year, yes? For some, it was a great year and for most( that I've spoken to about it) it was a terrible year. With the pandemic sweeping the earth to failed relationships to difficult times in school to emotional pain to lost jobs to funerals and the list goes on, this year has really been crazy. For everyone that managed to keep their sanity during this insane ride, I applaud you.  With everything that has happened, it's very easy to lose yourself. This happens to the best of us and there's a way to retrace who you are. Hit the reset button. What this means is that you need to get to a place where you are focusing on you. I

The Queen's Gambit: Proof That Your Goals Are Within Reach

  On this post I will be giving my take aways from the brilliantly produced show by Scott Frank and Allan Scott. Please follow through as I believe you'll learn a thing or two (possibly more) as you read through.  Aside from the entertaining, thrilling, seat holding, teeth gnashing, fist clenching and emotional rollercoaster content that the show provides, you can learn an awful lot from the show.  The Queen's Gambit  is an American  coming-of-age   period drama   streaming television  miniseries based on  Walter Tevis 's 1983  novel of the same name , created for  Netflix  by  Scott Frank  and  Allan Scott , and written and directed by the former. Beginning mid-1950s and proceeding into the 1960s, the story is about an orphaned  chess  prodigy on her rise to becoming a world class chess player while struggling with emotional problems and drug and alcohol dependency. My Take Aways 1. Once you have passion for something, chase it down and sharpen it  In the show, Beth (the p

The Unexpected Phonecall

 On Sunday morning I received a phonecall I never thought I'd receive. Being as tired as I was, I didn't pick up the first time because I told myself I'd call the person back later as it was too early to pick up the phone. When I finally picked up the phone, I heard some of the most painful words I've ever heard, "- has passed away." Upon hearing this, I went from being exhausted to being alert and in massive shock. Death. A concept that human beings have failed to comprehend and tried to get rid of for centuries through science, technology and modern medicine. The concept or the process is so dreadful that it has caused some people to develop  Thanatophobia (fear of death); I being one of those people. I assume that the fear stems from the fact that we don't know what happens when we die. Is it a path into nothingness as if someone never lived? Is there an afterlife? Is there a heaven or a hell? Well, if you're religious then your faith probably has a